How To Remove Curry Stains From Leather Upholstery?

How To Remove Curry Stains From Leather Upholstery

Leather upholstery is lavish and expensive. You must protect the good appearance of your leather upholstery. You may not be able to use professional upholstery cleaning in Melbourne every time you are dealing with stains, but you can definitely try some effective cleaning techniques to clean it like a pro.

In this article, we will share a leather stain removal guide for one of the most common stains found in homes: curry stains.

Pre-Cleaning Steps

  • Take a damp cloth and wipe off the curry from the leather couch. Be gentle and don’t push it during the wiping process.
  • Change the sides of the cloth or damp it again if needed to transfer curry from the upholstery to the cloth.

If curry is just spilt, it will be removed with this step only and you may not need further upholstery cleaning in Melbourne. If it has already stained your upholstery, follow the below-mentioned steps.

Leather Stain Removal Guide 1:

  • Curry penetrates the fibre very quickly, so it becomes obligatory to push out the curry stains from the root.
  • For this, you need to apply petroleum jelly as it can be absorbed in the leather upholstery and push the stains of curry out. Vaseline is petroleum jelly if you don’t already know, but you can also use any other form of it.
  • After applying petroleum jelly, rub the area gently with a clean cloth. It will work as an effective leather stain removal.
  • Moisten the affected area by spraying some clean water. It should not be warm or cold. Use water at room temperature. You must not wet your upholstered furniture in this step.
  • Dust baby powder on the stained area. You must completely cover the affected part of leather upholstery in this step of cleaning. Leave it for 10 to 12 hours to work on curry stains and give efficient results.
  • After 10 to 12 hours, take a clean, white cloth and damp it in clean water. Use this cloth to wipe off the baby powder from your leather upholstery.
  • Let it dry before using it.

If you still witness curry stains, you can repeat this leather stain removal hack.

Leather Stain Removal Guide 2:

  • Dust a layer of cornstarch on the affected area and leave it for 20 minutes.
  • Use a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment and clean the cornstarch from your leather upholstery.
  • Repeat this hack of cleaning to get effective results.

If you still see stains on your leather couch or upholstery, you must use help from professional leather stain removal service providers in Melbourne.

Care Tips:

  • Don’t let your leather upholstery get wet as it can make the situation worse.
  • You must keep baby powder or cornstarch handy while cleaning leather upholstery.
  • Always try any cleaning hack with spot testing to avoid discolouration or other side effects if you are trying that hack for the first time.
  • Never hesitate in using professional upholstery cleaning in Melbourne if one or two attempts with DIY hacks don’t give expected results.

Contact Toms Upholstery Cleaning Melbourne to get professional cleaning services.

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